Friday, March 21, 2008


Our first days of spring, now running into Easter weekend, are not the things that instill good thoughts. Not that this should come as any surprise, since early spring is an all too infrequent event.
We were spared large amounts of freezing rain, and even the real rain didn't amount to much. This all came after a four day cold, windy spree.
We are mostly blessed with dull bare ground, and with a lingering case of cold and sinusitis, I am not encouraged to go wandering for anything better.
These are the remannts of a large birch tree we had James cut down in the interest of creating a sunnier area for a bit of new spring planting. Our Van der Wulf pine needs a spot. This Pinus flexilis was our joint Birthday gift in late October. It has spent the winter sunk in the ground in a nursery bed out back. My quick jaunt to town yesterday resulted in a lovely new bouquet of glorious yellows, designed to brighten these dreary days. It is interesting to see Golden Rod as a part of many bouquets these days.
A batch of decadent brownies was also part of the "therapy".
Voodie likely has the right idea....back to bed!

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