Saturday, July 30, 2011

A few Hydrangeas -

It seems to be getting to hydrangea season. This is Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird', just getting started.
Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird'
The tiny flowers that make up the centre of these lacecaps are quite intriguing.

Blue hydrangea seem to be a challenge. 
The hydrangea 'Endless Summer' which is touted as blooming on both old and new growth seems convinced it shouldn't bloom on either! The plant has grown very well, but shows no sign of flower buds yet.

We have quite a nice Nikko Blue that blooms dependably, but it is essentially captive in the "holding" ditch. Another Nikko in a pot is decidedly "unblue". The soil mix in the pot must a bit towards the alkaline side.
H. macrophylla 'Nikko Blue'
There are quite forests of H. arborescens 'Grandiflora'. Bill has grown many(perhaps too many!) from cuttings. They make huge trusses.

Check the link for more.
A few Hydrangeas - Garden Gallery - Canadian Gardening Forums

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