Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
I see from Jodi DeLong that the monthly "bloom day" has rolled around. I will have to mostly go from memories for this one.
We have a couple of Amaryllis that are just cracking their buds, and a few Buddleia cuttings with buds, and some stray bloom on one Christmas cactus.
Not too inspring!
The little Buddleia are from a cultivar named 'White Bouquet'. We also have a few from our purples.
Each year we do some cuttings as insurance against the vagaries of Buddleia survival. Buddleia are also quite easy from seed.....growing and blooming by late summer of the first year(assuming an early start).
We are having a mild snowy day, with everything covered in a fresh cover of snow.
Hmmm. I wish I'd thought to try rooting cuttings from my yellow-flowering Buddleia. I'm afraid my plant may not survive survive my Zone 5a Ontario garden this year.
Are you starting the cuttings in soil or water?
Hi Dirty Knees:
If the shoots on your Buddleia have not totally died, you could still do cuttings.Eepecially those down near the base of the plant.
We do cuttings in soil.
Here is a link to some pics.
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