Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 is coming to an end

Each year seems to go by faster than the last. We have had a mixed bag as we head into winter here in Antigonish. Bill prefers to think of it as heading towards spring, since the days are now officially getting longer. We had a white Christmas(as if that really matters!), but now have no snow to speak of. 

The same scene as above taken on this sunny, cold day.

There have been a couple of very chilly days with the rhododendrons doing their barometric rise and fall to indicate their way of dealing with cold. 

The pond has gradually filled up through out the fall. It is also just about frozen over.

I fear we have had the last of the parsley harvest. It was looking quite crispy this morning. It might rebound when temperatures rise. Parsley has been so lovely this year it is a shame to see it go.

2011 was more or less a typical gardening year. The possible exception being the challenge of getting vegetables to grow properly . Perhaps the most disappointing being the potato blight which totally wiped out the potatoes for the year.
There were plenty of storms, but apart from the Halloween electrical fiasco, not much damage. As usual, there were lots of jobs that didn't get done.
Bill's baby rhodies and azaleas are spending the winter in the sun porch where they will hopefully survive and get a dormant period of sorts. They get to keep company with the bay trees, rosemary. a few buddleia and assorted other little plants that were not situated in the garden. Voodie pretends she is outside.

The next major item on the agenda will be dealing with the Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticultural Society's Seed Exchange. The seed list is off to the Newsletter, so an online copy now needs to be prepared and posted towards the end of January. There have been a few late contributions which will only appear on the online version. Deadlines don't appeal to all, it seems.
I have been mulling over getting a new computer, but haven't found a convenient window of opportunity just yet. I always worry I might not be quite as functional as needed. I should likely just do it!
Best Wishes to all for a Happy 2012.

1 comment:

NHGarden said...

I enjoyed your post and your scenery looks much like ours with no snow.